Nehemiah House
Walking through life alongside out clients.
Founded in 2015, Nehemiah House’s vision is to create a world where all who are incarcerated or formerly incarcerated can become positive, contributing members of society. We do this through a holistic, one-stop model of service provision. Our continuum of care, informed and implemented by professionals with cultural backgrounds and life experiences similar to those of our clients, helps ensure their success.
Support. Family. Home.
Giving our clients a firm foundation of support.
Nehemiah House’s Housing Program empowers homeless, formerly incarcerated individuals and their families to build better futures through stable and affordable housing. By providing low-threshold access to supportive emergency, phased-permanent and permanent housing, our Housing Program meets both the immediate and long-term needs of our clients. Participating clients are able to take the first steps on their journeys towards becoming positive, self-sufficient members of society with the full support of Nehemiah’s comprehensive reentry service offering and culturally competent staff.
Employment Services
Nehemiah’s Employment Services program is designed to equip formerly incarcerated jobseekers with the skills necessary to obtain employment and thrive in the workplace. We offer a variety of services to help motivated jobseekers begin their careers and seek professional advancement. Our two-week job readiness workshop teaches clients how to network, excel in interviews, problem-solve, answer difficult conviction questions, and create a professional resume and cover letter. Individuals completing the work-shop receive career counseling, job placement assistance, and support with job retention. Nehemiah will also offer skills training which provides industry recognized certifications in both the culinary arts and green construction arenas. Clients who complete the training receive job placement and career advancement services.
Opens new doors.
Our Education program empowers clients to achieve personal and professional goals that might include earning their High School Equivalency diplomas, attending college, or preparing to enter a tough job market. Clients have the opportunity to develop essential reading, writing, math, and computer skills with the support of Nehemiah’s dedicated teachers. Our small class size allows each individual to progress at his own pace, in an environment where all students feel respected and have a say in what they’re learning.
Family Services
Builds strong, healthy relationships.
Nehemiah’s Family Services program helps connect clients with their loved ones by supporting personal growth and the development of essential life skills. We offer an array of group and individual services to meet the unique needs of formerly incarcerated mothers, fathers, and expectant parents. Our men are given the opportunity to learn vital interpersonal and parenting skills, develop the tools needed to escape a life defined by crime and/or substance abuse, and become positive role models for their children. Additionally, clients receive assistance with child support cases and family reunification issues.
Substance Abuse Treatment
Breaks the cycle.
Nehemiah’s licensed treatment program will empower clients to address and overcome substance dependency issues. Our medically supervised outpatient program will provide client-centered treatment that is geared towards the overall improvement of each client’s mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Every client begins his or her journey with a full assessment and program orientation, followed by intensive individual and group counseling. We also offer lifetime aftercare, so our clients know they can rely on us to help them navigate future challenges that may threaten their ability to stay on course.
Mental Health Services
In 2019, Nehemiah’s clients will have access to a full spectrum of mental health services through The Better Living Center (BLC), our Bartlesville Office of Mental Health (OMH) licensed mental health clinic. The BLC will work to facilitate a seamless transition for mentally ill individuals with histories of incarceration by providing the supportive environment, treatment and therapy they need to manage their mental illness, while also making progress towards achieving their other life goals.